Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Back to wormholes it is!

Laying in bed while the wife goes for a run, it's not that I'm lazy, she's registered for a race and she'd like to know she can finish it ;)

I've always talked about wormholes, always liked their lawless nature and lack of an updated local list, and it looks like I'll be going back in! This time I'll be entering a class that I haven't yet gotten my merit badge for, a class 5.

I was running incursions on my not so secret super logi alt and ran into a few old friends alts, leading me to a ts channel for a little reunion with an old group of mates. I need to train for some armour but it looks like I'm on my way back into the unknown :)

Right now I'm training for t2 med hybrids, because nothing says welcome back to wormholes like ripping someone a new one from a stealth T3!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Long time no see, let's see why.

Hello fellow capsulers, it's been a while but I want to bring back a little something to the blog world.

Been busy in real life, been doing about balls-all in eve though, been in a few nullsec alliances since we last saw each other and was kicked from inactivity and left some from lack of motivation to log in. Got married, bought a house, been working full time.

I'm starting to find some semblance of balance in my life and think I'm gonna start talking to the eve community again, and playing more. I still have a special place in my clone vat for wormholes so I do believe I'll try asserting myself in that direction and reporting on what I find there.

I've been dabbling in incursions with a specialize alt to keep the income coming as well as started an Indy character from scratch who's in an alliance now with no financial connection to any other of my characters or accounts.

My future is uncertain as always, but that's what makes eve interesting isn't it? The unknown.

Anyways, I'm on the couch visiting my parents 700km from home, going to put the phone away and be a good visiting son ;) I'll see you guys around


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Not all russians are bad

Yeah, I said it. Those Ruskies that send many-a-noob running in the opposite direction aren't as mean and scary as they are made out to be.

A few days ago my corporation and I moved out of our C4 WH. Logistics was tough and my game-time is going to take a hit come January when I start my 4 month practical within the classroom. So it was decided that we would move out and take a break from pressures of WH-Space.

On our way out, we came across a C2 that connected to our C4 static as well as to empire. We wasted no time scouting the system out and start moving parts and ships back to empire. On one of my trips through I noticed a mastadon on scan that was not there prior and decided that in one of my final days in WH-Space I would disregard the rules and speak in local. As I passed through I called out in local "Hey, we're just moving shit, not looking for a fight so won't shoot you if you are also moving things". A few minutes later I get a chat request, it opens and I get hit with some russian. It's funny that I can actually recognize russian now because before I played EVE I would not have been able to do that. So I grab for the online translator and enter into my first russian conversation over the interwebs.

As horrible as some of these websites work, getting the response "we will not shoot" is pretty darn hard to get wrong, so I figured that this is indeed what the russian had intended to communicate and so we kept moving ships and parts at pace with just a few Dscan checks while we did so. There were a few things that happened, he would ask me if x-ship was mine, I would confirm or deny and I also relayed intel to him about a cloaky that entered system from empire and that I would try and kill them if they did not belong to him etc. The conversation was very agreeable on both sides and we got a lot done.

Now, some people may think that heck he may not have been able to do anything anyways, but there was a carrier and a dread at his POS and his character was several years old with an impressive killboard, so I feel it's safe to say, he was a decent guy keeping his word.

Anyways, I've been wanting to make this post for a few days now but just haven't gotten around to it, two papers and finals to get done before monday!

Also, none of my characters are in WH-Space right now... it felt really weird to realize that as I entered Empire with the last of my toons.. it felt even more weird to close my dscan window on 3 clients.. It has literally been months since I've had that closed on all clients simultaneously, which is probably why I personally suffered zero loss of ships or pods (except when we got trigger happy and I lost a dram in a suicide rush, but I was WELL AWARE of what I was doing haha) in our home system (dram loss was 3 jumps over).

Fly safe everyone, I'm back in empire, moved to Amarr space with a few friendly corporations and are trying out the empire alliance thing. This Black Mark Alliance bit is really catching my eye though, I'll run it by the guys.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hidden Microphones

All this time I've sort of felt like I was talking in an empty room with these blog posts. I forget that there are ways to track the blog without showing as following in the blogger interface.

I took a look at the stats section of the blogger dashboard and for the first time I saw some of the traffic the blog has caught. Kirith Kodachi gave some encouragement today from the #tweetfleet and spurred my checking the stats. I had no idea there were as many hits to my blog as there are, I don't know where the microphones are hiding in this room but I'll feel less like nobody is listening now that I know they're there :)

Kinda makes me think of this XKCD comic.

My HTML skills are borderline non-existent so bear with me as I learn to properly link images and other blogs with some efficiency. Feel free to leave any tips if you have found some shortcuts to making that easier when blogging.

I are a sponge for advice

(Yah! Added first picture, I feel more intelligent suddenly)

Eve is changing, how are you preparing?!

Incarna is just around the corner and a few weeks later on December 14th we can expect to see massive amounts of SP poured into more useful skills all around New Eden. Learning skills are going out the window!!

In CCP's latest blog they've let us know that they are removing the learning skills as they are a nuisance to new players who have to grind for a month in order to get their SP gain rate up to a reasonable level. I for one approve CCP's move as I have a relative who got tired of the learning skills in the first few weeks and left the game. I also approve because it's going to instantly give me my second orca alt :) Or something else really nice. I'm not totally settled yet on what I'm going to do, but I've got 3 accounts with 3 characters who will have more than 2mil SP to insert wherever I want to on December 14th.

As soon as I saw the blog I started training logic lvl 5 on all of my characters, I'm relatively new to the game, all toons with less than 12mil SP, so I'm int+mem mapped for all of them in favor of tackling those pesky support skills. Int+Mem means that logic is my fastest SP/hr learning skill, which will allow me to map a maximum amount of SP into my Perception and Willpower skills seeing as I want to hold off on the remap for a few more months to take care of some serious skilling.

One character I'm going to get into a T3 right away, my hauler alt.. I honestly don't know yet. If I go back to nullsec soon I may train her the last skills I need for Jump Hauler, or make her into a nice explorer for extra isk during her slow days in empire. My orca/hulk pilot... No idea on that one haha, might get them into a Battleship and run missions when not mining. The possibilities are pretty profound but... they are for everyone else too! So that bring another question.

What will happen when thousands of pilots suddenly get 1-5million "free" SP to put wherever they want? I'm expecting sudden ridiculous demands for T3 and T2 ships, carebears are going to stop flying T2 BSes and start flying marauders in their missions. More miners are going to be pimping their mining vessels with T2 crystals, and PVPers are going to get a month ahead (at least) on their long-term training goals.

Will there be enough T2 stuff for us all? I fully expect prices to go very very nuts from Dec 14th on. My advice? Buy whatever ship you're aiming for ahead of time, before the price doubles. Oh, and mine your asses off and save your ores. Noobs in Carriers are gonna give us all a lot of mineral orders to fill!!

Gotta get some school work done but I felt bad about not posting for a while. Will try to blog more after exams. Be living with my parents for a couple months after Christmas since my work will be near their home community, should allow me some time to blog.

Fly smart!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Kicking gas.. and Tengus vained.

I ask this question because I am forever finding myself so busy in EVE that I sometimes (ok often times) neglect my room, home, and studies in order to organize, help out, and make isk for plex.

Right now I'm mining gas in a neighboring WH with another corp member, between the two of us we're fielding an orca, myrm, brutix, vaga and a gila. With backup ships in the orca for salvage and fast tackle.

But wait... brb.

Wow.. what started as a slow day mining gas in our static turned into a pretty interesting event. We spotted scanner probes on dir. and loaded the miners into the orca, warped to safe and cloaked up. From here we grabbed a prober and I ran for my trust dram :) my fellow corp-mate provided me a quick warp-to and I landed and got tackle on a Tengu!!.. before backup arrived however another Tengu popped out of the WH behind the one I had tackled.. 2 Tengu vs 1 Dram.... shit.

They had tackle on me quickly and with my overview in camp mode (just WHs and Ships show) the only thing I could do quickly was burn for the WH and jump.

This was followed by me jumping around their system watching dscan and making safes while watching our statics dscan from the orca. At this point in time I'm at 46% structure and flying around without a cloak in a hostile WH lol. Now we're geared up! One Tengu pilot warps away to grab what I assume to be a disco-raven. while he's away I make a break for it past the lone tengu still guarding the WH. Success!! Dramiel is safe in our system again and we're leaving the two tengus alone. Would have made this post more interesting but the turn of events has put me much farther behind in my studies than I would like...

3 hours till our Carrier finishes building :) Extremely pumped!

Even though the pvp was something we ended up stepping away from, we still made 58mil isk each on the gas.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

iClone Lite!

For a while I haven't been looking for an iPhone/Touch app for checking skills, I've been using iClone (the full version) for some time now but if I'm just checking skills it's a bit cumbersome, takes a long time to go through its sync, and generally crashes for me :S.

Good news though! Last night I checked the apps list and lo and behold, an iClone Lite! I've already got it on with my 3 APIs. Those of you suffering severely from the loss of Capsuleer I highly recommend this app. It's not quite as intuitive as capsuleer and you might have to add some numbers to get your full queue length but it works and it doesn't take 6 minutes to sync.

Includes a map and jump planner.

When updating APIs on it using safari, stretch the select box only over the yellow text of the API, if you select the whole box like you would have done in capsuleer it will not recognize it on the clipboard, this works with both limited and full APIs, though I'm not sure if there's a point in using a full API with this one since it doesn't track assets etc.

I'm back to the grind, three presentations this week and much much more besides for the next few. Pardon my absence but a guy's gotta get edumecated!