I've been following eve-blogs and my characters skill progression via the iPhone app, Capsuleer, for some time now. I've found it invaluable and it is going to be very very hard to replace.
I've followed Seismic Stan's advice today from Freebooted and have setup an RSS application that uses google reader settings and will be keeping up with the eve blog pack that way. The only other application I've seen that is capable of tracking character skills like Capsuleer does is iClone. iClone had a huge database on eve items, ships, and systems. It's a great app, but it's bulky. If I want to know what my wallet balance is, I need to wait for the whole system to sync, that means waiting on all skills, all characters, all asset/pos changes and a few other things that iClone tracks and syncs with.. This is painful to wait for when you're just checking skills.
The application I'm using to track the blogs is MobileRSS. I've never used it before but it only took a few minutes to setup and subscribe to the whole blog pack. I like that I can easily e-mail myself the post link or just open the post in safari and respond. I've not been one to respond often to blogs, but now that I'm being forced to leave capsuleer behind I believe I will be doing so.
Ideally CCP would work with the creators and allow for capsuleer to continue functioning.. but at the very least they should not continue to flat-out ignore contact with Capsuleer as it is to my understanding they are.
Capsuleer will be missed, thank you Seismic Stan for reminding me to get another source of blog reading, that reminded me of my own blogs and I'll be working on my own return to the blogosphere.
That's all for this one, maybe I'll send an (IC) post soon.
Fly dangerous!
14 years ago
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